You could simply put a sign near the entrance with the WiFi configuration. But apart from the fact that you guests will pile up in the entrance area while typing your super complex WiFi pre shared key you will also have to print a new sign everytime you change your pre shared key. But since most Android smartphones sold these days (and therefore most smartphones owned in the near future) have NFC capabilities why not simply writing you WiFi configuration on a NFC tag?
Sharing your home WiFi via NFC
rilato allows you to write any WiFi configuration stored on your device on a NFC tag. Simply select the configuration you want to share, type in your pre shared key and hold your device near a NFC tag. All necessary information is now on the tag including an identifier telling other Android devices that this configuration can be read with rilato and showing them rilatos dowload page on the Play Store. If the hand't rilato installed before they can simply download the app and read the NFC tag again to get your WiFi configuration.So you have now a small NFC tag with all necessary information to connect to your home or guest WiFi. But somehow your guests should get the message without the need to tell them one by one. Simply putting the tag on the wall would no one. Even if the tag catches the attention of your guests they probably wouldn't know what to do with it. So I came up with a small sign, which shows that you are sharing your wifi and that that NFC enabled Android smartphones can easily obtain the WiFi configuration. You can either download and print the picture on the right or you can download rilato and share the sign from there (to Google Cloud Print for example). The image is optimized for photo frames for pictures with 10cm x 15cm. I'm using this picture myself with a cheap frame from IKEA.
But of course you aren't forced to use my sign. You can design any way you want. You may also the logo of rilato. But if you are a design crack and you come up with a great desing for this sign, then feel free to contact me.
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